Men's Basketball: SLC vs Ramapo College
/ Wednesday
Showing results 151 through 175 out of 1202.
LIBR Periodicals Room
/ Thursday
In recognition of faculty scholarship and creativity, the Library will be hosting Faculty Spotlight, an event series that celebrates the creation of significant new work by faculty in all mediums.
Performing Arts Center PAC Bessie Schönberg Dance Studio
/ Friday
Come see original works choreographed and performed by SLC students. This student-led production is supported by the SLC Dance Program.
Athletic Away Centenary College Equestrian Center
/ Saturday
Virtual Online
/ Saturday
Faculty member Rattawut Lapcharoensap will begin with a hearty welcome, then from 11:30 am -12:30 pm you will have the opportunity to sample a class within your genre of interest with faculty members: David Ryan, Carolyn Ferrell, David Hollander, and Jo Ann Beard. From 12:30 pm-1:00 pm, we’ll host a Q&A with current MFA in Writing students. REGISTER HERE.
Campbell Sports Center CSC Full Gym
/ Saturday
Campbell Sports Center CSC Full Gym
/ Saturday
Performing Arts Center PAC Bessie Schönberg Dance Studio
/ Saturday
Come see original works choreographed and performed by SLC students. This student-led production is supported by the SLC Dance Program.
Campbell Sports Center CSC Full Gym
/ Tuesday
Campbell Sports Center CSC Full Gym
/ Tuesday
Athletic Away Colorado College
/ Friday
Athletic Away Colorado College
/ Saturday
Athletic Away Newport News, VA
/ Saturday
HEIM 202
/ Tuesday
David Ryan BA, University of Massachusetts. MFA, Bennington College. Author of Animals in Motion: Stories (Roundabout Press) and Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano: Bookmarked (Ig Publishing, 2017). His fiction has appeared in Esquire, Tin House, Fence, Electric Literature, BOMB, several Mississippi Review Prize issues, Denver Quarterly, Alaska Quarterly Review, New Orleans Review, Salt Hill, Cimarron Review, Unsaid, failbetter, and others. Anthologies include Flash Fiction Forward (W. W. Norton), Boston Noir 2: The Classics (Akashic), and The Mississippi Review: 30 Years. Essays, reviews, and interviews published in The Paris Review, Tin House, BOMB, Bookforum, The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Fiction (Oxford University Press), and others. Recipient of a MacDowell fellowship and a Connecticut State Arts grant. Co-founding editor of Post Road Magazine, where he currently edits the Fiction and Theatre sections. SLC, 2013–
/ Wednesday
Alice Elliott Dark is the author of the novels Fellowship Point and Think of England, and two collections of short stories, In The Gloaming and Naked to the Waist. Her work has appeared in, among others, The New Yorker, Harper's, DoubleTake, Ploughshares, A Public Space, Best American Short Stories, Prize Stories: The O.Henry Awards, and has been translated into many languages. In the Gloaming, a story, was chosen by John Updike for inclusion in The Best American Short Stories of The Century and was made into films by HBO and Trinity Playhouse. Her non-fiction reviews and essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post,
and many anthologies. She is a recipient of a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and an Associate Professor at Rutgers-Newark in the English department and the MFA program.
HEIM 208
/ Wednesday
From image to material will explore the visual works of the Brooklyn based artist Naomi Safran-Hon. In her talk she will present her work from the last decade, the progression from representation in painting to the creation of objects and the juxtaposition of materials, lace and cement. The lecture will explore how meaning is derived from materials and how content leads to form. Safran-Hon will share her sources of inspiration, influences and the development of her work.
Virtual Online
/ Thursday
Experience the Sarah Lawrence Theatre program virtually! Join MFA Theatre program director, Caden Manson, for a virtual information session where you will have the opportunity to hear from him, theatre staff and current students about our expansive MFA program. There will be an opportunity for Q&A with the director and students.
Virtual Online
/ Thursday
Child Development Graduate Program director will meet with prospective students to discuss the program and answer questions. REGISTER HERE.
Performing Arts Center PAC Frances Ann Cannon Theatre
/ Thursday
By Jeremy Lesifko-Bremer
Directed by Marisa Conroy
Water, that everlasting, glistening lifeforce… how can we keep the stream going? Sasha, a jaded hiker from someplace
sad, asks this question until language is exhausted and the Anthropocene ends. Sasha learns from the water-about
precarity and insecurity and one’s responsibilities when in a changed world.
By Kenneth Keng
Directed by Annaporva Green
Watched over by a three story tall corpse god, Balan assembles their blade by taking the lives and weapons of their former friends. They may see their journey culminate in a kind of freedom, but only if the audience lets them.
Athletic Away Pratt Institute
/ Thursday
Performing Arts Center PAC Frances Ann Cannon Theatre
/ Friday
By Jeremy Lesifko-Bremer
Directed by Marisa Conroy
Water, that everlasting, glistening lifeforce… how can we keep the stream going? Sasha, a jaded hiker from someplace
sad, asks this question until language is exhausted and the Anthropocene ends. Sasha learns from the water-about
precarity and insecurity and one’s responsibilities when in a changed world.
By Kenneth Keng
Directed by Annaporva Green
Watched over by a three story tall corpse god, Balan assembles their blade by taking the lives and weapons of their former friends. They may see their journey culminate in a kind of freedom, but only if the audience lets them.